Most of the information we need to get the job down right lies in taking a complete history and thorough examination.
We match the best range of techniques with your goals to come with a tailored plan that is customised just for you.
We deliver results or if not responding Tokyo International Chiropractic can consider the most appropriate referral for further management.
Oh Boy ! Here we go
I guess it’s time to get a bit political here. Chiropractors are an “interesting” bunch of people to say the least.
There seems to be as more difference within the Chiropractic profession in approaches as there is between other professions working in the management of musculoskeletal injuries.
Traditional Chiropractors tend to base their approach on the 1995 model of DD Palmer’s version of Chiropractic which included the idea of treating the ” vetebral subluxations ” which was thought to be a compression on a spinal nerve affecting all systems of the body and being the cuase of many problems unrelated to back pain.
More modern approaches such Tokyo international Chiropractic would dispute this defination of Chiropractic for a few ( good) reasons. Pretty compelling research now exisits that casts down on the viability of the model above and studies also support the benefit of mutli modal approach that takes into account other modalities like dry needling, soft tissue work and ” active care ” where the patients takes a more active role in their care. The purists in the Chiropracic profession would refer to us ” dirty mixers “.
For years I held a hard line approach as mixer but 20 years of practise has softened my degree of certainty about what exactly ” Chiropractic ” is and should be instead of hardening it.
At the end of the day taking into account a patients wishes and needs, the best available research evidence and ones clinical experience is going to yield the best results time and time again.
If we can assist you or an answer any questions please give Tokyo international Chiropractic a call or email.
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