Update of Tokyo shedule Nov/Dec 2022

Tokyo date change 6th Dec- 10th Dec
Just a quick ” Heads up ” that I have increased the availability for the next Okinawa visit.
After loosing a good chunk of punters from the last PCS season there seems to be a lot of demand again which I really greatful for so much to loyal band of Oki peeps for keeping our famliy fed over challenging times.
In more crazy news it seems like the demand for Niseko tourism has suprised even the optimistic of our Niseko business community and after discussin with the wise wife we have have come up with something resembling a plan to account for the deamand for Chiropractic services in Niseko.
At this stage we will extend the next Okinawa visit from the 23rd Nov right through the 4th of Dec and that will be my last Okinawa rotation before I am island bound once again Island bound in mid to late Jan 2023.
After 2 years ” on ice ” I do need to put some effort into getting the Niesko business back on track and it’s also been challenging being on the road so much away from family. It will be nice to be home for a few weeks straight again.
I still have some Tokyo Availability this week up until this Saturday the 5th November for anybody does want to touch base in Tokyo this trip.
Tokyo change of dates
I have really enjoyed my time in the big city and the party life has not got the better of me anymore and I do forsee Tokyo as being an important part of our future providing English speaking Chiropractic in Japan.