New Tokyo location from the 3rd of October

We did it !
Some exciting news to share for our Tokyo clients.
Tokyo international Chiropractic ( TIC ) is very grateful to the Tokyo College of Chiropractic for allowing us to consulting space to test the market over the last few months. We were very heartened by the level of demand.
Tokyo international Chiropractic is proud to announce that we have now secured a permanent location in Eibusu just a short walk from the station and only a 10 minute walk from the Shibuya station.
Many thanks to Sata-san who has invited TIC to share his beautiful clinic ” Physic Chiropractic ” and we look forward to being able to continue to offer Chiropractic services to the english speaking expatriate community of Tokyo.
If you are seaking an English Speaking Chiropractor in the heart of Tokyo we hope you can consider our services. For the direct link to our online calender and booking service please go to
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Google maps link of new location ( after 3rd October 2022 )